Introduction: there are very few studies related to bioethical principles, despite the fact that these are fundamental in the execution of clinical practice. Methodology: applied research of quantitative type, with a non-experimental, cross-sectional design and descriptive approach, the sample size is 80 people determined by a simple random sampling, among seventh semester students at the Technical University of Ambato. Results: the results were that 80 % of students performed the activities corresponding to the principle of autonomy, 80 % of participants applied the principle of non-maleficence, 85,4 % of people developed the activities for the principle of justice, and 83 % of participants applied the necessary activities on the principle of beneficence. Discussion: bioethics is known to have 4 principles that have an important role in nursing practice, these are non-maleficence, beneficence, autonomy, justice the principles should be used not only by nurses if not by all health personnel, to provide adequate care. Conclusions: Within this study it was determined that students apply bioethical principles in their externship practices through the activities determined by the questionnaire
Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia
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