Background: "DaxibotulinumtoxinA (DAXI), an injectable formulation of botulinumtoxintype A, iscurrently underclinical development for treating glabellarlines, as well as various neurological and musculoskeletal conditions. This review under scores the significance of the know ledge that medical profesional spossess in enhancing the quality of specific anatomical relationships related to the reduction of glabellar lines and determining the irmosten during effects. Material and methods: The chosen methodology for this study is a systematic review and information collection. A manual search was conducted on online data bases, particularly PUBMED, using key Words such as "treatmentofglabellarlines" or "botulinumtoxin new formulation," with specific filters applied. Approximately 14 files were down loaded and organize during the Zotero program for propercitations and references. There search is supported by published and updated literatura that demonstrates the efficacy and duration of glabellar lines with the new formulation of Botulinum toxin, DaxibotulinumtoxinA. Results: Seven articles of the clinical trial or controlled randomized trial type were utilized. These articles, searched and filtered from various databases, collectively indicate that injectable DaxibotulinumtoxinA is a highly effective new formulation for treating glabellarlines. . Conclusion: Following the conducted search, it is evidente that DaxibotulinumtoxinA is avaluable option for a esthetically treating glabellar lines. How ever, it is a knowledged that further research is necessary to valídate its effectiveness compared to other convention altreatments and to assessits specific clinical applicability. Additionally, an evaluation of the elimitations and adverse effects associated with this new formulation is crucial
Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia