Bioethical assessment of embryo donation for research


Fontinele Silva Wênnia SuelemORCID,Birnenbaum Silvia J.ORCID


Introduction: the present study aims to assess, from the bioethical tool, the use of embryos for scientific research and its impact on society. The research question is posed: "what bioethical aspects are related to the donation of excess embryos from cryopreservation laboratories?". The secondary objectives include determining the level of knowledge of the population about assisted reproduction techniques, identifying knowledge about the possible destinations of cryopreserved embryos and evaluating the positioning capacity of the population regarding ethical and moral issues. Method: observational study of a statistical nature through a questionnaire with relevant questions on the subject of bioethics in the investigation of surplus embryos from cryopreservation. The study population was composed of people of different sex and age, who are interested in gynecology issues. Results: the survey reveals that 55,8 % knew about assisted fertilization techniques, 80,8 % knew what IVF was, 69,2 % were unaware of related laws, 84,6 % understood informed consent in cryopreservation , 46 % would not sign a long-term consent, 80,4 % knew about cryopreservation, 82,7 % support embryo freezing, 72,5 % support embryo research, and there are divided opinions about its status : 60,8 % cells, 51,9 % human beings.Conclusion: the survey reveals that the participants have a general knowledge about assisted fertilization techniques and support the cryopreservation of embryos for research. However, there is a lack of knowledge about the laws that govern these techniques. Opinions are also divided on the nature and status of the frozen embryos. These results are relevant for the ethical debate and the regulation of practices related to embryos


Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia

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