Collaboration of Industry with Academia: The Engine of Industrialisation and Development


Akinola Adegbola


This paper examined and illuminated with examples the ways and means of creating the environment for science and technology research to flourish. It underpins the creation of virile industrial production base as the trigger for research to plume; and consequently, prescribes the key to a sustainable research funding and mutually benefiting collaboration and symbiotic partnership between the industry and academia. It is shown, using comparative analysis, that a sine qua non for the creation of sustainable industrial base is urgent completion of Ajaokuta, NIOMCO, ALUMCO and making other metals, iron, steel and machine tools companies functional; as this generates spinoff industries, promotes beneficiation of local raw materials, expands manufacturing companies in magnitude and number; thereby create wealth to fund government budget and hence, research. It is further established that having correct policies, institutional and governmental, which include pertinent tax regime with rebate rights; and getting every company of specified grade to have a Research Unit locally in the country, provides needed framework for research and collaboration. It is also noted the effect in reducing cost and saving forex for infrastructures (e.g. rail lines, power, dams, etc.); as such, freeing money to fund intensive research, education, health and municipal services. Hence, unleash the benefits accruable to Industry, Academia, citizens; and the consequence on human development index (HDI) and the country at large. It is concluded, that the issue with Nigeria is not dearth of proficient researchers to do quality cutting-edge research, but lack of environment, wherewithal: industrial production base, policy, legal framework, weak political will and discipline to drive any policy. Ways to obviate these barriers to engender research and collaboration with industry beyond the usual concept of local content are elucidated in the paper.


Nigerian Academy of Science

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