Predicting counterproductive work behavior (CWB) has been paid a lot of attention in recent years, mainly correlated with the five-factor model of personality. Scholars examining the relationship of personality with the CWB mainly focused on the normal traits of the Five-Factor Model (FFM). Little attention is paid to the locus of control, and regression analyzes about CWB, which can be used for predicting the negative work outcomes. We worked on the interaction between locus of control and the CWB, in addition to the FFM, while including findings of regression analyzes. In the research, data were collected from employees from banking sector working in Turkey and UAE. Validation of the scales was made by Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Difference analyses between countries were evaluated with chi-square and T-tests. The effects of independent variables on the dependent variable were analyzed by regression analysis. In the analysis of differences, significant differences were found in educational status, gender, total time at work, and research scales except for the variables of open to new experience and external locus of control. It has been observed that conscientiousness has a negative and significant effect on counter-productive work behavior in both Turkey and UAE. As a result, personal traits and locus of control are the factors that are effective in reducing the counterproductive work behaviors of the employees. For organizations; in order to maintain their profitability, competitive advantage and be sustainable in the sector, measures should be taken to reduce inefficient working behaviors.
Ege Strategic Research Journal
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