Handling Correlations Between Covariates and Random Slopes in Multilevel Models


Bates Michael David1,Castellano Katherine E.2,Rabe-Hesketh Sophia3,Skrondal Anders4


1. Michigan State University

2. Educational Testing Service

3. University of California, Berkeley

4. Norwegian Institute of Public Health


This article discusses estimation of multilevel/hierarchical linear models that include cluster-level random intercepts and random slopes. Viewing the models as structural, the random intercepts and slopes represent the effects of omitted cluster-level covariates that may be correlated with included covariates. The resulting correlations between random effects (intercepts and slopes) and included covariates, which we refer to as “cluster-level endogeneity,” lead to bias when using standard random effects (RE) estimators such as (restricted) maximum likelihood. While the problem of correlations between unit-level covariates and random intercepts is well known and can be handled by fixed-effects (FE) estimators, the problem of correlations between unit-level covariates and random slopes is rarely considered. When applied to models with random slopes, the standard FE estimator does not rely on standard cluster-level exogeneity assumptions, but requires an “uncorrelated variance assumption” that the variances of unit-level covariates are uncorrelated with their random slopes. We propose a “per-cluster regression” (PC) estimator that is straightforward to implement in standard software, and we show analytically that it is unbiased for all regression coefficients under cluster-level endogeneity and violation of the uncorrelated variance assumption. The PC, RE, and an augmented FE estimator are applied to a real data set and evaluated in a simulation study that demonstrates that our PC estimator performs well in practice.


American Educational Research Association (AERA)


Social Sciences (miscellaneous),Education








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