The Failure of Dissertation Advice Books: Toward Alternative Pedagogies for Doctoral Writing


Kamler Barbara12,Thomson Pat12


1. BARBARA KAMLER is emeritus professor of education at Deakin University, Faculty of Arts and Education, 221 Burwood Highway, Melbourne, Australia 3125; . Her research focuses on writing and identity, writing as social action, and critical approaches to literacy, with her most recent work examining doctoral and early career writing and publishing.

2. PAT THOMSON is a professor of education and director of research in the School of Education at the University of Nottingham, Jubilee Campus, Wollaton Road, Nottingham, United Kingdom NG81BB: . Her research focuses on doctoral education, the work of school principals, and the practices of school reform, with her most recent work investigating the role of creativity and the arts in changing schools and communities.


Anxious doctoral researchers can now call on a proliferation of advice books telling them how to produce their dissertations. This article analyzes some characteristics of this self-help genre, including the ways it produces an expert–novice relationship with readers, reduces dissertation writing to a series of linear steps, reveals hidden rules, and asserts a mix of certainty and fear to position readers “correctly.” The authors argue for a more complex view of doctoral writing both as text work/identity work and as a discursive social practice. They reject transmission pedagogies that normalize the power-saturated relations of protégé and master and point to alternate pedagogical approaches that position doctoral researchers as colleagues engaged in a shared, unequal, and changing practice.


American Educational Research Association (AERA)



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