Viscous Effects on Pitot Tubes at Low Speeds


Macmillan F. A.


Measurements were made of the pressure in a blunt-nosed pitot tube, in an air stream at Reynolds numbers from about 15 to 1,000. The results are expressed in terms of a pressure coefficient , where P is the pressure in the pitot tube, ρ is the density of the fluid, and p and V are the static pressure and velocity in the undisturbed stream. As found in previous investigations, Cp becomes greater than 1 at low Reynolds numbers, the increase being about per cent, at a Reynolds number of 50 (based on external tube radius). In disagreement with the work of Hurd, Chesky, and Shapiro, no decrease of Cp below 1 was found at any Reynolds number.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)

Reference8 articles.

1. On the use of very small pitot-tubes for measuring wind velocity

2. Influence of Viscous Effects on Impact Tubes;Hurd;Journal of Applied Mechanics,1953

3. Homann F. (1952). The Effect of High Viscosity on the Flow Around a Cylinder and Around a Sphere. N.A.C.A. T.M. No. 1334, 1952.

4. Einfluß großer Zähigkeit bei Strömung um Zylinder

5. Liquid manometers with high sensitivity and small time-lag

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