1. Bullen N. I. A Note on Test Factors. A.R.C. R. & M. 3166.
2. Heywood R. B. (1956). Correlated Fatigue Data for Aircraft Structural Joints. A.R.C. Current Paper 227, 1956.
3. Burns A. (1956). Fatigue Loadings in Flight: Loads in the Wing of a Varsity. A.R.C. Current Paper 285, 1956.
4. Raithby K. D. and Longson J. (1956). Some Fatigue Characteristics of a Two Spar Light Alloy Structure (Meteor 4 Tailplane). A.R.C. Current Paper 258, 1956.
5. R.Ae.S. Fatigue Data Sheet L.01.01, 1958.