Linking and Integrating Corporatism and Consensus Democracy: Theory, Concepts and Evidence


Crepaz Markus M. L.,Lijphart Arend


Hans Keman's and Paul Pennings's critique (‘Managing Political and Societal Conflict in Democracies: Do Consensus and Corporatism Matter?’, this Journal, preceding pages) of our attempt to link corporatism and consensus democracy falls essentially into three parts. Their first criticism deals with the way we measured corporatism. They reject our ‘composite’ approach on the basis that different experts have different conceptual understandings of corporatism. Hence, they argue, it is unwarranted to add up these various scores. Secondly, they claim that our central relationship between consensus democracy and corporatism is a function of our particular measure of corporatism and, in addition, driven by two outlying cases: Italy and Austria. Thirdly, they claim that corporatism and consensus democracy are two different phenomena, and that therefore, corporatism should not be integrated into the concept of consensus democracy. We shall address these three main criticisms in the order described.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Sociology and Political Science

Reference20 articles.

1. Belseley , Kuh and Welsch , Regression Diagnostics, p. 7.

2. Keman and Pennings , ‘Managing Political and Societal Conflict’, p. 6.

3. Neocorporatism and Incomes Policy in Western Europe and North America

4. Lijphart and Crepaz , ‘Corporatism and Consensus Democracy’, p. 238.

5. Keman and Pennings , ‘Managing Political and Societal Conflict’, p. 274.

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