$k\ge 2$
be an integer and let A be a set of nonnegative integers. The representation function
for the set A is the number of representations of a nonnegative integer n as the sum of k terms from A. Let
denote the counting function of A. Bell and Shallit [‘Counterexamples to a conjecture of Dombi in additive number theory’, Acta Math. Hung., to appear] recently gave a counterexample for a conjecture of Dombi and proved that if
$A(n)=o(n^{{(k-2)}/{k}-\epsilon })$
for some
, then
$R_{\mathbb {N}\setminus A,k}(n)$
is eventually strictly increasing. We improve this result to
. We also give an example to show that this bound is best possible.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)