1. Available from sales agents or from the Publications Office in Dk, D, E, F, I, N and Irish. Price: £ 3.95; BF 350; DKr 55; DM 26,60; FF 43,20; £it 5900; Dutch Fl 24,20.
2. Included in Journal subscription. Individual issues of the monthly index may be purchased: £ 0.42; BF 50; DKr 8; DM 3,60; £it 620; Fl 3,60; FF 5,60.
3. Since 1973 the Official Journal is issued in Dk, D, E, F, I and N and occasionally also in Irish. Before 1973 it appeared in D, F, I and N only. The annual 1976 subscription, including both the L und C parts and the monthly and annual indexes, will be £ 33; BF 3000; DKr 470; DM 203; FF 370; £it 50 650; Fl 207. Individual issues may also be purchased, the price varying with the number of pages The subscription to the issues containing the Parliamentary Debates is: £ 8.30; BF 750; DKr 117,40; DM 50,60; FF 92,60; £it 12 650; Fl 51,80.
4. The original languages were German (D), French (F), Italian (I) and Dutch (N). In 1973 Danish (Dk) and English (E) were added.
5. Available in Dk, D, E, F, I and N; shortly to be issued in Spanish and Portuguese. Price: £ 1.45; BF 130; DKr 20,35; DM 8,80; FF 16,10; £it 2200; Fl 9.