The respone of a spherical plasma probe to alternating potentials: Results of computations and use for plasma diagnostics


Buckley R.


In a previous paper, the R.F. characteristics of a spherical probe immersed in a hot, low-density plasma using a realistic sheath model were considered, and a few results of computations presented. The remainder of these results are given in this paper. The dependences of R.F. admittance, and rectified current on probe radius, d.c. bias, and electron neutral collision frequency are exhibited and shown to be qualitatively in accord with the predictions of simple slab-sheath/dielectric models. It is shown how in principle, analysis of resonance rectification characteristics using curves included in the paper can yield values of electron densitynetemperatureTe, and electron-neutral collision frequency ν. Two methods of reduction are applied to some laboratory results obtained at Slough and are shown to give reasonably consistent values ofneand ν, but the values ofTe, show considerable scatter. These methods could complement the Langmuir probe which gives more reliable values ofTethan ofnein low density plasmas withne≾108cm−3. Effects of magnetic fields are not included in this paper.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Condensed Matter Physics

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