Buffer-gas traps (BGTs) use inelastic interactions with nitrogen molecules to capture positrons from a continuous beam. These devices are invaluable for high-resolution studies of matter–antimatter interactions, antihydrogen research and positronium laser spectroscopy. We present a new project with the goal of producing a non-neutral plasma containing
${\sim }10^8$
low-energy positrons by installing a BGT on the NEPOMUC (NEutron induced POsitron source MUniCh) high-intensity positron beam. Details of the BGT are outlined and results are presented from experiments in which an electron beam, with a similar intensity and energy spread to the remoderated NEPOMUC beam, was used to create pulses of non-neutral electron plasma. The device is a vital component of the APEX (A Positron Electron eXperiment) project, which aims to create a low-temperature electron–positron pair plasma.
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Basic Energy Sciences
H2020 European Research Council
Helmholtz Association
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
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