Local parameters of supercuspidal representations


Gan Wee Teck,Harris MichaelORCID,Sawin Will,Beuzart-Plessis Raphaël


Abstract For a connected reductive group G over a nonarchimedean local field F of positive characteristic, Genestier-Lafforgue and Fargues-Scholze have attached a semisimple parameter ${\mathcal {L}}^{ss}(\pi )$ to each irreducible representation $\pi $ . Our first result shows that the Genestier-Lafforgue parameter of a tempered $\pi $ can be uniquely refined to a tempered L-parameter ${\mathcal {L}}(\pi )$ , thus giving the unique local Langlands correspondence which is compatible with the Genestier-Lafforgue construction. Our second result establishes ramification properties of ${\mathcal {L}}^{ss}(\pi )$ for unramified G and supercuspidal $\pi $ constructed by induction from an open compact (modulo center) subgroup. If ${\mathcal {L}}^{ss}(\pi )$ is pure in an appropriate sense, we show that ${\mathcal {L}}^{ss}(\pi )$ is ramified (unless G is a torus). If the inducing subgroup is sufficiently small in a precise sense, we show $\mathcal {L}^{ss}(\pi )$ is wildly ramified. The proofs are via global arguments, involving the construction of Poincaré series with strict control on ramification when the base curve is ${\mathbb {P}}^1$ and a simple application of Deligne’s Weil II.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)

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