1. NRCD and Traverse Group Incorporated. 1981. Final report. Environmental Feasibility Study of the Jamaica Peat Resources Utilization Project. Unpublished. (Natural Resources Conservation Department, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, PO Box 305, Kingston, 10, Jamaica.)
2. Social Signals and Behaviors of Adult Alligators and Crocodiles
3. The Vegetation of Jamaica
4. Björk S. 1983. Environmental feasibility study of peat mining in Jamaica. Unpublished manuscript. Prepared for the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ), Kingston.
5. Coke L.B. , Bertrand R. and Batchelor S. 1982. Macrophyte vegetation of the Negril Morass and Lower Black River Morass Jamaica. Unpublished manuscript. Appendix V to Björk, S. 1983.