1. To cite just the work of David Fraser which does not only cover national attempts in Europe to deal with Nazi and collaborationist regimes, but also transitional Justice mechanisms with a view to learn about law out of its encounters with the evils of the past; see, e.g., his Law After Auschwitz: Towards A Jurisprudence of the Holocaust(2005); The Fragility of Law: Constitutional Patriotism and the Jews of Belgium, 1940-45, London 2009, and most recently, Daviborshch's Cart: Narrating the Holocaust in Australian War Crimes Trials, forthcoming in 2011 with Nebraska Press.
2. See Aristide Chiotellis and Wolfgang Fikentscher, Zur Einführung: Rechtssachenforschung - Ein heute noch erfüllbares Programm? in: Chiotellis A. & W. Fikentscher (eds.), Rechtstatsachenforschung. Methodische Probleme und Beispiele aus dem Schuld- und Wirtschaftsrecht 1 (1985)
3. Heldrich Andreas , Die Bedeutung der Rechtssoziologie für das Zivilrecht, 186 Archiv für die civilistische Praxis 74 (1986).
4. Max. Weber, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (5th ed. by J. Winckelmann, 1972), at, 889-892.
5. Esser Josef , Grundsatz und Norm (Principle and Rule, 1956), at 18-23.