Law's Knowledge and Law's Effectiveness: Reflections from Legal Sociology and Legal Theory


Zumbansen Peer


With considerable regularity, the established and functioning scientific apparatus is able to reshape itself, to confirm or change its course and the respective lenses of observation through the rationalization of themes, trends and through the identification of individuals and groups of scholars who are being associated with these developments. This exercise, leaving its traces in conferences, edited volumes and the formation of scientific associations, is largely centred around the formulation, assessment and defence of scholarly projects and tasks. The importance of such undertakings lies, however, in their ability to never let the forces of institutionalization, formalization and bureaucratization take the upper hand over the continuing diversity and curiosity that reigns beneath their surface. The awarding of academic honours and prizes themselves are part of the institutionalization of scholarly projects, but they come with the calming realization that, despite all the festivity, it is clear to everyone that there is no one who deserves the prize. There is in fact no prize recipient. What remains is the constantly nagging doubt whether curiosity and critical inquiry still govern our search, whether ears and eyes continue to be open.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)



Reference150 articles.

1. Habermas Jürgen , Legitimation Crisis [orig. German 1973: Legitimationskrise im Spätkapitalismus] (1975).

2. Wiethölter Rudolf , Die Wirtschaftspraxis als Rechtsquelle, in: Das Rechtswesen – Lenker oder Spiegel der Gesellschaft? 165 (Bockelmann Ed. 1971).

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4. Teubner Gunther , Substantive and Reflexive Elements in Modern Law, 17 Law and Society Review 239 (1983).

5. Vitols Sigurt , Varieties of Corporate Governance: Comparing Germany and the UK, in: Varieties of Capitalism. The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage 337 (Hall/Soskice Ed. 2001); Cioffi John W. , Restructuring “Germany Inc. “: The Politics of Corporate Governance Reform in Germany and the European Union, 24 Law & Policy 355 (2002); Zumbansen Peer , Germany Inc. Eroding? – Board Structure, CEO and Rhenish Capitalism, 3 German L. J. No. 6 (2002), available at:; Peer Zumbansen, The Privatization of Corporate Law? Corporate Governance Codes and Commercial Self-Regulation, Juridikum 136 (2002b).

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