Scalar diffusion in simulated helical turbulence with molecular diffusivity


Drummond I. T.,Duane S.,Horgan R. R.


We extend the simulation techniques of Kraichnan (1970, 1976) to study the effective diffusivity of a scalar field in a turbulent fluid. In our model we have introduced an adjustable helicity parameter and a technique for simulating molecular diffusivity. The results show that for non-helical turbulence the self-consistent perturbation theory of Phythian & Curtis (1978) gives excellent values for the effective diffusivity over a wide range of values for both the molecular diffusivity and the parameters describing the turbulence.This ceases to be the case immediately the helicity is given a non-zero value. Wide departures are observed between the theoretical calculation and the simulation. Our conclusion is that non-perturbative effects are very important in the presence of helicity.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,Condensed Matter Physics

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