1. Förthmann, E. 1934 Über turbulente Strahlausbreitung.Ingen.-Arch. 5,42. Also NACA Tech. Note 789.
2. Ludwieg, H. & Tillman, W. 1951 Investigations of the wall-shearing stress in turbulent boundary layers.NACA Tech. Mem. 1285.
3. Bourque, C. 1959 M.Sc. Thesis. University of Laval. Also Aero. Quart. 11,201.
4. Dodds, J. I. 1960 Ph.D. Thesis. Cambridge University.
5. Young, A. D. & Maas, J. N. 1936 The behaviour of a Pitot tube in a transverse total-pressure gradient.A.R.C. Rep. & Mem. no. 1770.