A spherical envelope approach to ciliary propulsion


Blake J. R.


In this paper, an attempt has been made to model the dynamics of ciliary propulsion through the concept of an ‘envelope’ covering the ends of the numerous cilia of the microscopic organism. This approximation may be made in the case when the cilia are close together, as can occur in the case of the symplectic metachronal wave (i.e. the wave travels in the same direction as the effective beat). For simplicity, a spherical model has been chosen, and the analysis which follows is a correction to Lighthill's (1952) paper on squirming motions of a nearly spherical organism. The velocity and efficiency compared to the work done in pushing an inert organism are obtained, and compared to that of a ciliated organism.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,Condensed Matter Physics

Reference10 articles.

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