A conformal-mapping technique for topographic-wave problems: semi-infinite channels and elongated basins


Johnson E. R.


The basis of the conformal-mapping method for topographic-wave problems of Johnson (1985) is discussed in greater detail by considering the invariance under conformal mapping of the linear, barotropic, potential-vorticity equation, noted in Davis (1983). A method is presented for using this property to construct further solutions for waves propagating over varying topography. Results are given for semi-infinite channels and elongated basins. A coordinate system is constructed that approaches a Cartesian system exponentially fast with distance from end-walls. For exponentially sloping topography the solutions for infinite channels, semi-infinite channels, and basins have the same structure and dispersion relation as waves in an elliptical basin, discussed in Johnson (1987). The structures presented there can thus be considered as in some sense universal for exponentially sloping topography.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,Condensed Matter Physics

Reference7 articles.

1. Johnson, E. R. 1985 Topographic waves and the evolution of coastal currents.J. Fluid Mech. 160,499–509.

2. Rhines, P. B. 1969 Slow oscillations in an ocean of varying depth. Part 2. Islands and seamounts.J. Fluid Mech. 37,191–105.

3. Rhines, P. B. & Bretherton, F. 1973 Topographic Rossby waves in a rough-bottomed ocean.J. Fluid Mech. 61,583–607.

4. Davis, A. M. J. 1983 Shelf similar topographies for free continental shelf waves.Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn. 23,321–331.

5. Johnson, E. R. 1987 Topographic waves in elliptical basins.Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn. 37,279–296.

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