1. Riley, N. 1958 Effects of compressibility on a laminar wall jet.J. Fluid Mech. 4,615.
2. Bloom, M. H. & Steiger, M. H. 1958 Some compressibility and heat transfer characteristics of the wall jet.Proc. Third U.S. Nat. Congr. Appl. Mech. p,717.Brown University.
3. 3. Crocco, L. 1946 The laminar boundary layer in gases. Monografie Scientifiche di Aeronautica, no. 3,Ministero della Defesa-Aeronautica,Rome
4. 4. also Rep. CF-1038, Aerophysics Laboratory, North American Aviation, Inc. 1948.
5. Schwarz, W. H. & Cosart, W. P. 1961 The two-dimensional turbulent wall jet.J. Fluid Mech. 10,481.