Teaching English as an International Language


Selvi Ali Fuad,Galloway Nicola,Rose Heath


This Element offers a comprehensive account of the unprecedented spread of English as a global language by taking historical, sociolinguistic, and pedagogical perspectives. To realize this mission, it opens with an accessible discussion of the historical trajectory of the English language with qualitative and quantitative connections to its contemporary diversity in terms of forms, roles, functions, uses, users, and contexts of English as a global and multilingual franca. Built upon this synchronic-diachronic symbiosis, the discussion is complemented by an overview of major analytical paradigms and trends that promote systematical scrutiny of the English language and its sociolinguistic and educational implications. It ends by showcasing instructional practices, recommendations, reflective questions, and future directions for language educators to revamp their beliefs, commitments, and practices considering the changing needs and realities of the present-day global sociolinguistic ecology and individuals therein.


Cambridge University Press

Reference192 articles.

1. Global Englishes and Change in English Language Teaching

2. Developing awareness of Global Englishes: Moving away from ‘native standards’ for Thai university ELT.;Boonsuk;System,2021

3. ELT and the native speaker ideal: Some food for thought;Smolder;International House Journal of Education and Development,2009

4. English as a Lingua Franca in Asean

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