1. Id. at 37-38 [19]-[20] (French CJ) (footnotes omitted).
2. 2. See, for example, Hogg Peter and Bushell Allison, The Charter Dialogue between Courts and Legislatures (Or Perhaps the Charter of Rights Isn't Such A Bad Thing After All), 35 Osgoode Hall L.J. 75 (1997), which discusses a series of cases in which a dialogue mechanism has been used by Canadian courts, and in the UK context Fenwick Helen et al., Judicial Reasoning under the Human Rights Act (2010)-and yet note discussion of the Charter in, for instance, Byrnes Andrew et al., Bills of Rights in Australia: History, Politics and Law (2009)
3. 3. Williams George, Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities: The Origins and Scope, 30 Melbourne U. L. Rev. 880 (2006)
4. 4. Kelly James, A Difficult Dialogue: Statements of Compatibility and the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act, 46 Australian Journal of Political Science 257 (2011)
5. 5. Stephenson Scott, Constitutional Re-Engineering: Dialogue's Migration from Canada to Australia, 11 International Journal of Constitutional Law 870 (2013).