1. Electronically Reconfigurable Microwave Bandpass Filter
2. Dual-mode quasi-elliptic-function bandpass filters using ring resonators with enhanced-coupling tuning stubs
3. Microwave Ring Circuits and Related Structures
4. Miller A. ; Hong J.S. : Wideband bandpass filter with multiple reconfigurable bandwidth states, in European Microwave Week 2010, EuMW2010: Connecting the World, Conf. Proc. – European Microwave Conf., EuMC 2010, 2010, 1273–1276.
5. Tang W. ; Hong J.S. : Microstrip quasi-elliptic function bandpass filter with improved tuning range, in European Microwave Week 2010, EuMW2010: Connecting the World, Conf. Proc. – European Microwave Conf., EuMC 2010, 2010, 751–754.