1. Elkington J. B. (1980 a). The environmental pressure. Management Today, 01, pp. 62–65, 120, 123, 126, illustr.
2. EEC—see Commission of the European Economic Communities.
3. Elkington J. B. & Roberts J. A. (1977 c). The ecology of tomorrow's world. New Scientist, 17 11, pp. 411–3.
4. Ends Report (1980 b). Environmental quality: the industrial dimension. ENDS Report 51, 06, pp. 13–18.
5. Commission of the European Economic Communities (cited as EEC) (1980). Proposal for a Council Directive Concerning the Assessment of the Environmental Effects of Certain Public and Private Projects. Document reference COM (80) 313 final, submitted to the Council of Ministers in June: 32 pp.