1. Hanawa, K (2002) Keimusho no naka [Doing Time], Yoichi Sai (dir.), produced by Be Wild and Eisei Gekijo, 146 minutes.
2. Nichibenren, Jinken Yogo Iinkai (2013) Shiho to fukushi no aratana renkei no arikata to wa: Nagasaki Keimusho oyobi Nankai Airinkai o homon shite [what should the new link between the justice and welfare systems look like? A visit to Nagasaki Prison and Nankai Airinkai]. Nichibenren Iinkai Nyu-su 56, 2. Available at: https://www.nichibenren.or.jp/library/ja/committee/list/data/pdf/2013/rights_news_56.pdf (accessed 10 February 2021).