1. Goethe und die chinesischen Fräulein (Göttingen: Wallstein, 2018), 11–38
2. Birus, Hendrik , Vergleichung: Goethes Einführung in die Schreibweise Jean Pauls (Stuttgart: Metzler, 2016), 12–15
3. Murnane, Barry , ‘The Worldliness of Weltliteratur: Goethe’s “Handelsverkehr” between China and Weimar’, Goethe Yearbook 29 (2022), 73–93 (at 86)
4. O’Bell, , ‘Chinese Novels, Scholarly Errors and Goethe’s Concept of World Literature’, Publications of the English Goethe Society 87.2 (2018), 64–80
5. Hsia, Ronnie Po-Chia , A Jesuit in the Forbitten City: Matteo Ricci 1552–1610 (Oxford University Press, 2010), 169–201