Russkii as the New Rossiiskii? Nation-Building in Russia After 1991


Blakkisrud HelgeORCID


AbstractRussia’s post-1991 nation-building project has been torn between competing interpretations of national identity. Whereas the other former Soviet republics opted for nation-building centered on the titular nation, Russia’s approach to national identity was framed by the fact that the RSFSR had been defined not as a designated national homeland but as a multi-ethnic federation. This, coupled with Russia’s definition as the legal successor of the Soviet Union, suggesting continuity and a history of uninterrupted statehood, has enabled a range of rivaling understandings of how to define the “nation.” Focusing on top-down official nation-building, this article examines how, against a backdrop of shifting political contexts, structural constraints, and popular attitudes, the Kremlin has gradually revised its understanding of what constitutes the “Russian nation.” Four models for post-Soviet Russian nation-building are identified – the ethnic, the multi-national, the civic, and the imperial. Over time, the correlation of forces among these has shifted. The article concludes that, despite some claims of an ethno-nationalist turn after 2014, the Kremlin still employs nationalism instrumentally: National identity has undoubtedly become more russkii-centered, but, at the same time, the Kremlin keeps the definition of “Russianness” intentionally vague, blurring the boundaries between “nation” and “civilization.”


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Political Science and International Relations,History,Geography, Planning and Development

Reference99 articles.

1. Putin, Vladimir . 2018. “Zasedanie mezhdunarodnogo diskussionogo kluba ‘Valdai’” [Meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club]. (Accessed January 9, 2020.)

2. The myth of the civic nation

3. Yeltsin, Boris . 1994. “Poslanie Prezidenta Rossii Borisa El’tsina Federal’nomu Sobraniiu RF: ‘Ob ukreplenii Rossiiskogo Gosudarstva’” [Annual Address of the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation: “On Strengthening the Russian State”]. (Accessed March 27, 2021.)

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