1. For instance, Germany has been recently criticized by the CoE for not having a judicial council. See sources cited supra note 13 and accompanying text.
2. One can only speculate whether some “Western” judges, who have been active in various European organizations that gave birth to the JC model qua “European standard,” tried to implement this model in the “East” so that they could later use it as leverage in their home countries. See, e.g., Strengthen the Judiciary's Independence in Europe! International Recommendations for an Independent Judicial Power (Peter-Alexis Albrecht & John Thomas eds., 2009) (containing contributions of several Western judges).
3. For detailed discussion, see Bobek, supra note 59.
4. Pokol , supra note 56; Z. Fleck, Judicial Independence and its Environment in Hungary, in Systems of justice in transition: Central European Experiences Since 1989, 12 (J. Přibáň, P. Roberts & J. Young eds., 2003).
5. 5. The listed examples of Harabin's judicial "administration" originate from Eva Mihočková, Šikanovanie v talári, Plus 7 dní (Dec. 12, 2011). See also Pavol Kubík & František Múčka, Ako úraduje Štefan I. Čistič: Pôsobenie nového šéfa Najvyššieho súdu SR varuje pred rozširovaním jeho kompetencií, TREND (Sept. 30, 2009)