1. Anglo-American Relations at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919
2. 21. If is worth noting that by 1930 Kellogg could say, “I believe in consultative pacts…I think it is the duty under the Hague Treaty and the Pact of Paris of any nation party to the Treaty to consult with these countries most interested or which would have the most influence in trying to prevent a conflict…I have no sympathy whatever with a certain public opinion here, though I do not think it is dominant, that the United States should not consult about European affairs. War anywhere in the world necessarily touches us”. Lothian Papers General Correspondence. Kellogg to Philip Kerr (later Lord Lothian), May 15, 1930.
3. 7. Roland N. Stromberg, “The Riddle of Collective Security”, in Anderson (Ed.) op.cit., p. 164.