Transforming CCD data is difficult. Until recently, the general transformation problem was so poorly understood that there were no established design criteria. Now, the Hilbert-space approach to photometry tells us to match the standard passbands in the least-squares sense.Unfortunately, the spectral responsivities of CCDs vary much more than do conventional detectors, and must be known to design filters. Each individual chip generally requires its own set of filters, if results are to be better than second-rate. Even so, spatial variations in spectral response limit the accuracy that can be reached, unless color terms are determined for individual pixels. Such CCD calibration problems involve the generally neglected optical properties of CCDs and the systems in which they are used.Large observatories will have to establish calibration laboratories, and to abandon the common practice of moving “standard” filter sets from one instrument to another. Smaller institutions will need to purchase the services of such calibration laboratories if they are to produce accurate CCD photometry. These are major changes in the way astronomers are accustomed to working; but such changes are necessary to stem the backlash developing against CCD photometry.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)