1. Batawia , Nieproprawni przystępcy, in 'Archiwum Kryminologiczne' vol. ii, Nos. 3-4, p. 462: Russian material: Tarnowski, Wielokrotni recydywiści, in 'Journ. of Ministry of Justice' 1915, No. 2, pp. 144
2. English material: Cyril Burt, The Young Delinquent, 1925, p. 218
3. Goring, The English Convict, 1919, p. 123. There can be no doubt that if these investigations were conducted not only by the method of criminal statistics, which considers only formal recidivism, but also with due consideration of the method of individual examination, it would appear that the process of growth of criminal activity and the formation of the criminal pattern is on a very much larger scale.
4. Brussels , 1930, pp. 78–79
5. Sassari , 1933, pp. 24–25