1. Baker Peter , ‘Byrhtferth's Enchiridion and the Computus in Oxford St John's College 17’, p. 126, n. 19, is found in the glosses attributed to Byrhtferth: ‘Iubilaeus etiam dicitur remissionis annus’ (PL 90, col. 300A). Since the gloss in question is merely a topos that derives from Isidore (Etym. V. xxxvii.3; PL 82, col. 222C) and Bede (De temporum ratione, ch. 8; CCSL 123B, 304, lines 96–7), it cannot by itself prove a connection between the Byrhtferth glosses and the glosses on De temporum ratione in J. But it is remarkable, as Lapidge has pointed out, that the gloss ‘recalls wording both in the Vita S. Oswaldi and in Byrhtferth's portion of the Historia Regum’ (pers. comm.).
2. Bedae Opera de Temporibus, p. 160.
3. Bedae Pseudepigrapba, p. 29)
4. Bedae Pseudepigrapha, p. 27.