Lone Star Pterosaurs


Andres Brian,Myers Timothy S.


ABSTRACTThe state of Texas has one of the greatest records of pterosaurs in the world, surpassing all other US states and most countries in the number of occurrences. Uniquely, this record extends over the entire 150+ million history of the Pterosauria. A review of this pterosaur record confirms at least 30 pterosaurs known from 13 occurrences, including five valid species. The holotypes of two of these species have been described before and are diagnosed and erected here as the new speciesRadiodactylus langstoni, gen. et sp. nov., named in honour of Dr. Wann Langston Jr, the father of Texas pterosaurology, andAlamodactylus byrdi, gen. et sp. nov.. Phylogenetic analysis of all Texas pterosaurs that can be coded for more than one character confirms that these species are distinct from others and occupy phylogenetic positions close to their original classifications.Radiodactylus langstoniis recovered as a non-azhdarchid azhdarchoid,Quetzalcoatlus northropias an azhdarchid,Alamodactylus byrdias a non-pteranodontoid pteranodontian,Aetodactylusas a pteranodontoid, andColoborhynchus wadleighias an ornithocheirid. The presence of eudimorphodontid, dsungaripterid, as well as other azhdarchid and pteranodontoid pterosaurs, is also confirmed in Texas.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

Reference110 articles.

1. Note on Mesosuchus browni, Watson, and on a new South African Triassic pseudosuchian (Euparkeria capensis);Broom;Records of the Albany Museum,1913

2. Titanopteryx philadelphiae nov. gen., nov. sp., pterosaurien géant;Arambourg;Notes et Mémoires sur le Moyen-Orient,1959

3. A new anhanguerid pterosaur from the Cretaceous of Morocco;Mader;Boletim do Museu Nacional, Nova Serie, Geologia,1999

4. On Evidence of two Ornithosaurians referable to the Genus Ornithocheirus, from the Upper Greensand of Cambridge, preserved in the Collection of W. Reed, Esq., F.G.S.

5. How do geological sampling biases affect studies of morphological evolution in deep time? A case study of pterosaur (Reptilia: Archosauria) disparity;Butler;Evolution,2011








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