Studies on feed intake and feed utilization by sheep. II. The utilization of feed by ewes


Hadjipieris G.,Jones J. G. W.,Wimble R. H.,Holmes W.


1. The yield and composition of milk from twenty Border Leicester x Cheviot ewes offered dried grass cubes, dried grass cubes and hay, hay or grazing was determined over a lactation period lasting 10 weeks. Milk yield was estimated by weighing the lambs before and after each suckling on one day each week. Samples of milk for analysis were obtained at fortnightly intervals by hand milking the left side of each udder before the mid-day suckling by the lambs.2. Ewes receiving dried grass cubes and suckling twins and those receiving dried grass cubes and hay reached mean peak milk yields of 3470 and 2680 g./day, respectively, at 2-3 weeks after parturition, whilst the yields of the remaining ewes declined continuously from the beginning of lactation. The mean milk yield over the lactation of ewes receiving dried grass cubes and suckling twins was 2785 g./day, of those receiving dried grass cubes and suckling singles 1821 g./day, of those receiving dried grass cubes and hay 2119 g./day and of those receiving hay 1177 g./day. The yield of milk energy was highest for all ewes during the first week after parturition.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Genetics,Agronomy and Crop Science,Animal Science and Zoology







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