The Publishing History of the Aristotle Commentaries of Thomas Aquinas


Cranz F. Edward


Writers and thinkers of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries were widely engaged in the reception and transmission of a variety of earlier works, and recent scholarship has perhaps concentrated too much on the special case of the reception and transmission of the Greek and Latin classics. A study of the publishing history of the Aristotle commentaries of Thomas Aquinas may throw light on a different phase of the same general process, the Renaissance fortuna of a medieval rather than of an ancient author.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Literature and Literary Theory,Philosophy,Religious studies,Visual Arts and Performing Arts

Reference47 articles.

1. Compare the title-page of the 1558 edition (§ 147): ‘Aristotelis Stagiritae Politicorum sive De republica libri octo Leonardo Aretino interprete, cum Thomae D. Aquinatis explanation… quibus antiqua (ut se habebat) eorundem adiecta est quae delitescebat, Politicorum interpretatio, quam Divus Thomas olim exponendo secutus est…’ See also the letter of Julius Martinus Rota to the Reader, fol. 133v.

2. Aristoteles , Opera (Venice: [Johannes et Gregorius de Gregoriis] for Octavianus Scotus 1495–96). The letter of dedication is found on folio 2a.

3. Some Renaissance Panegyrics of Aquinas

4. Here and below the references to ‘former countenances’ echo Ovid , Metamorphoses I 738–9:

5. On the Scotti, see Volpati C. , ‘Gli Scotti di Monza, tipografi-editori in Venezia,’ Archivio storico Lombardo 59 (1932) 365–82.

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