For most people in pre-industrial Sweden, the occupation of being a
servant was not a lifetime job but a temporary one at which they tried their
hand for a limited period during their lives. The Western European
marriage pattern with its late age at marriage meant that most individuals
spent about 10–15 years preparing for adulthood: saving up, being trained
and seeking a partner for life. During this phase of their lives they worked
as servants, changed employer frequently and therefore migrated.Until the late eighteenth century the social structure in the Swedish
countryside was quite homogeneous. The nobility possessed large estates
which formed an important source of employment. These were, however,
few in number, and the dominant social groups were peasants, freeholders
(skattebönder) and tenants on crown or noble land (kronobönder,
frälsebönder), as well as servants in peasant households or on the estates.
There were, of course, people with other occupations, but they did not
constitute large social groups. Thus, servants formed a special social
category, but, as I mentioned, very few people belonged to the category
for life. Let us contrast this homogeneous picture with the diversified
social structure in the late nineteenth century.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
General Social Sciences,History
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30 articles.