1. 59 United States Geological Survey. 2008. Science in Your Watershed—Pacific Northwest Region. Available at Web site http://water.usgs.gov/wsc/reg/17.html (accessed September 2009).
2. 57 Louden F.N. and MacRae R. 2010. Federal regulation of local and sustainable food labels in Canada: a case study of Local Food Plus. Agriculture and Human Values. On-line: DOI: 10.1007/s10460-009-9209-6]. Available at Web site http://www.springerlink.com/content/fk184l673010xu02/ (accessed July 2009).
3. 56 Portland Food and Drink. Is Safeway selling out of state produce as locally grown. An Exploration of Portland Food and Drink. Available at Web site http://www.portlandfoodanddrink.com/2009/06/22/which-is-it-safeway/ (accessed July 2009).
4. Waitrose in wrangle over definition of term ‘local’;Farmers Weekly,2007