We perform a linear stability analysis of a finite-amplitude plane inertial wave (of frequency
in the range
$0\le \omega \le f$
, where
is the Coriolis frequency) by considering the inviscid evolution of three-dimensional (3-D), small-amplitude, short-wavelength perturbations. Characterizing the base flow plane inertial wave by its non-dimensional amplitude
and the angle
that its wavevector makes with the horizontal axis, the local stability equations are solved over the entire range of perturbation wavevector orientations. At sufficiently small
, 3-D parametric subharmonic instability (PSI) is the only instability mechanism, with the most unstable perturbation wavevector making an angle close to
$60^{\circ }$
with the inertial wave plane. In addition, the most unstable perturbation is shear-aligned with the inertial wave in the inertial wave plane. Further, at large
, i.e.
$\omega \approx f,$
there exists a wide range of perturbation wavevectors whose growth rate is comparable to the maximum growth rate. As
is increased, theoretical PSI estimates become less relevant in describing the instability characteristics, and the dominant instability transitions to a two-dimensional (2-D) shear-aligned instability, which is shown to be driven by third-order resonance. The transition from 3-D PSI to a 2-D shear-aligned instability is shown to be reasonably captured by two different criteria, one based on the nonlinear time scale in the inertial wave and the other being a Rossby-number-based one.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)