The phylogeny of invertebrates and the evolution of myelin


Roots Betty I.


Current concepts of invertebrate phylogeny are reviewed. Annelida and Arthropoda, previously regarded as closely related, are now placed in separate clades. Myelin, a sheath of multiple layers of membranes around nerve axons, is found in members of the Annelida, Arthropoda and Chordata. The structure, composition and function of the sheaths in Annelida and Arthropoda are examined and evidence for the separate evolutionary origins of myelin in the three clades is presented. That myelin has arisen independently at least three times, namely in Annelids, Arthropodas and Chordates, provides a remarkable example of convergent evolution.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Cell Biology,Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience

Reference64 articles.

1. The lateral giant fibers of the tubificid worm,Branchiura sowerbyi: Structural and functional asymmetry in a paired interneuronal system

2. The giant myelinated nerve fibres of the prawn

3. Electrophoretic characterization and immunoblot analysis of the proteins from the myelin-like light membrane fraction of shrimp ventral nerve (Penaeus duorarum);Waehneldt;Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology,1989

4. Voltage clamp experiments on internally perfused giant axons.

5. The scientific status of metazoan cladistics: why current research practice must change

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