1. 1) 厚生労働省(2004)平成16年簡易生命表(Abridged Life Table for Japan 2004),厚生労働省大臣官房統計情報部編(Statistics and Information Department, Ministers Secretariat, Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare).財団法人厚生統計協会(Health and Welfare Statistis Association),東京.
2. 2) The World Health Report 2003 (2003) Shaping the Future (World Health Report). World Health Organization, USA.
3. 3) The World Health Report 2000 (2000) Health Systems: Improving Performance (World Health Report). World Health Organization, USA.
4. 4) The World Health Report 2001 (2001) Mental Health: New Understanding, New Hope (World Health Report). World Health Organization, USA.
5. 5) The World Health Report 2002 (2002) Reducing Risks, Promoting Healthy Life (World Health Report). World Health Organization, USA.