Effects of Neuromuscular Reeducation with Ischemic Compression on Myofascial Trigger Points in Patients with Neck Pain- a Randomized Controlled Trial
Container-title:Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences
Anwar Kinza,Arshad Hafsah,Taj Saeeda,Khalid Maria,Ghafoor Sajjad Abdul,Malik Robina
Aim: To determine the effects of neuromuscular Reeducation technique along with ischemic compression on upper trapezius myofascial trigger points regarding pain and lateral cervical ROM. Methodology: A randomized controlled trial was conducted.50 patients (25 in each group; aged 32.00 ±7.12 years), diagnosed with neck pain having upper trapezius myofascial trigger points and reduced lateral cervical range of motion were included. Patients were randomized into ischemic compression group (A) and Neuromuscular Reeducation group (B). Both groups were associated with conventional physiotherapy, which continued for two weeks. Outcomes were measured by using a Goniometer for lateral cervical ROM and pain intensity by using NPRS, assessed at baseline and on 8th post-intervention. Results: 49 participants were analyzed due to a lost in follow-up of one subject from Control Group-A. Intragroup comparison of pre to post value for cervical ROM and NPRS showed a significant (p value=.000) for both groups. Intergroup comparison of baseline to end value for cervical ROM was significantly improved on post-intervention along with significantly improved NPRS Conclusion: This study concluded that Neuromuscular Reeducation along ischemic compression approach for MTRPs has proven to be more effective to improve cervical range of motion and reducing pain. Keywords: Myofascial trigger points, Ischemic Compression, Neuromuscular reeducation, Upper Trapezius, Neck pain.
Lahore Medical and Dental College