1. ASTEC, Developing Long-Term Strategies for Science & Technology in Australia: Outcomes of the Future Needs 2010 Study, Australian Science & Technology Council, Canberra, 1996.
2. Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Social Trends, Canberra, 1997.
3. AFC (Australian Food Council), “The Australian Processed Food and Beverages Industry”, Industry overview published on the Internet: http://www.afc.org.au/ Industry.html, May 1998.
4. Blair, W.H. “Food: A Growth Industry”, Report of the Food Regulation Review, August 1998, Australian Government Information Shops, GPO 84, ACT 2601.
5. Buisson, David, IUFOST Conference presentation, “Public acceptance predictors of new product development success of genetically modified foods”, 10th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, 3-8 October 1999, Sydney, Australia.