1. 1) Shinohara,K.:Shinohara Kazuo,TOTO publisher,1996.10 篠原一男:篠原一男, TOTO出版, 1996.10
2. 2) Shinohara,K.:A Study of Spatial Composition in Japanese Architecture,Doctor of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology Thesis,1966.3 篠原一男:日本建築の空間構成の研究, 東京工業大学院工学博士論文,1966.3
3. 3) Shinohara,K.:Residential Building, Kinokuniya bookstore,1964.2(in Japanese) 篠原一男:住宅建築, 紀伊国屋書店, 1964.2
4. 4) Shinohara,K.:House's logic, Shinkenchiku,1972.2(in Japanese) 篠原一男:住宅論, 新建築, 1972.2
5. 5) Shinohara,K.:16Houses & Achitectural Theory,Bijyutu publisher,1971.3 篠原一男:16 の住宅と建築論, 美術出版社, 1971.3