1. 1) Cabinet Office: White paper on disaster management 2020, 2020 (in Japanse) 内閣府編: 令和 2 年版防災白書, 2020
2. 2) Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism: Taifu dai 19-gou ya kikouhendou no eikyo, syakaidoukoutou wo fumaete taiou subeki kadai (Issues to be addressed in light of Typhoon No. 19, the impact of climate change, social trends, etc.), 2019 (in Japanese) 国土交通省: 台風第 19 号や気候変動の影響・社会動向等を踏まえて対応すべき課題, 気候変動を踏まえた水災害対策検討小委員会資料, 2019
3. 3) The Nikkei: Taifu 19-gou, hinanjyo no “gosan” aitsugu; sinsui, manin, samusa (Typhoon No.19, “miscalculation” of evacuation shelters one after another; inundation, fullness, cold), 2019.10.16 (accessed 2021.5.7) (in Japanese) 日本経済新聞電子版: 台風 19 号, 避難所の「誤算」相次ぐ 浸水・満員・寒さ, 2019.10.16 https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO51042310W9A011C1CC1000/ (参照 2021.5.7)
4. 4) Architecture Institute of Japan: Recommendations: Issues to be addressed in architectural field to deal with intensified flood damage: Forcusing on detached house, 2020.6 (in Japanese) 日本建築学会: 提言 激甚化する水害への建築分野の取組むべき課題~戸建て住宅を中心として~, 2020.6
5. 5) Japan Society for Disaster Information Studies: Hinan ni kansuru teigen (Recommendations on evacuation), 2020.5 (in Japanese) 日本災害情報学会: 避難に関する提言, 2020.5