1. 1) Meno,F.: Moving Processes and Conditions of Households under the Housing Lease Program for Disaster Victims in Iwate Prefecture - An Analysis Based on a Questionnaire Survey of Households in the Entire Prefecture, Urban Housing Sciences, No.87, pp. 133-138, 2014.10 (in Japanese) 米野史健:岩手県の借り上げ仮設住宅における被災世帯の入居経緯と居住実態-県全域の入居世帯に対するアンケート調査より, 都市住宅学 87 号, pp.133-138, 2014.10
2. 2) Meno,F.: Actual Situation of Houses and Households Using the Housing Lease Program for Disaster Victims in Iwate Prefecture - An Analysis Based on Rental Agreements after the Great East Japan Earthquake, Urban Housing Sciences, No.83, pp.85-90, 2013.11 (in Japanese) 米野史健: 岩手県の借り上げ仮設住宅における契約物件及び入居世帯の実態-東日本大震災後の借り上げに係る賃貸借契約書の記載情報の分析より,都市住宅学 83 号, pp.85-90, 2013.11
3. 3) Arai,N. and Meno,F.: Moving Processes and Conditions of Residents under the Housing Lease Program for Disaster Victims in Sendai City, Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ), No.700, pp.1401-1406, 2014.6 (in Japanese) 新井信幸・米野史健:仙台市内の民間賃貸借り上げ仮設住宅での被災者の入居プロセスと居住実態, 日本建築学会計画系論文集第 700 号, pp.1401-1406, 2014.6
4. 4) Koyama,S. and Meno,F.: Moving Processes and Reconstructive Intentions of Households Under the Housing Lease Program for Disaster Victims in Ofunato City, Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ), No.719, pp.163-170, 2016.1 (in Japanese) 古山周太郎・米野史健:岩手県大船渡市の借り上げ仮設住宅居住世帯の入居経緯と再建動向-市内で物件を確保した世帯へのアンケート及びヒアリング調査より, 日本建築学会計画系論文集第 719 号, pp.163-170, 2016.1
5. 5) Meno,F.: Classification and Characteristics of Houses Rented Under the Housing Lease Program for Disaster Victims in Iwate Prefecture, Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ), No.781, pp.1023-1032, 2021.3 (in Japanese) 米野史健:岩手県内における借上型仮設住宅の分類と類型毎の特徴-戸建持家住宅の空き家の利用に着目して, 日本建築学会計画系論文集第 781 号, pp.1023-1032, 2021.3