The performance of HCV GT plus RUO reagent in determining Hepatitis C virus genotypes in Taiwan


Huang Ying-ChouORCID,Huang Chung-Feng,Liu Shu-Fen,Liu Hung-Yin,Yeh Ming-Lun,Huang Ching-I,Hsieh Meng-Hsuan,Dai Chia-Yen,Chen Shinn-Chern,Yu Ming-Lung,Chuang Wan-Long,Huang Jee-Fu


Background and aims Hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotyping is a pivotal tool for epidemiological investigation, guiding management and antiviral treatment. Challenge existed in identifying subtypes of genotype-1 (G-1) and genotype (GT) of indeterminate. Recently, the Abbott HCV RealTime Genotype Plus RUO assay (HCV GT Plus) has been developed aiming to overcome the limitations. We aimed to evaluate the performance of the assay compared with 5’ UTR sequencing in clinical samples. Materials and methods Eligible individuals were treatment chronic hepatitis C patients that were enrolled consecutively in a medical center and two core regional hospitals in southern Taiwan from Oct 2017 through Aug 2018. The patient with genotype 1 without subtype and indeterminate previously genotyped by Abbott RealTime HCV GT II will further determinate by Abbott HCV RealTime HCV GT Plus. All of the genotype results were validated by 5' UTR sequencing as a reference standard. Results A total of 100 viremic CHC patients were recruited, including 63 G-1 patients (male: 28), and 37 patients (male: 15) of indeterminate genotyped by Abbott RealTime HCV GT II assay (HCV GT II), respectively. The detection rate of 63 GT1 samples without subtype were 93.7% (59/63), 37 indeterminate samples without genotype were 62.2 (23/37) by HCV GT Plus. 5' UTR sequencing confirmed HCV GT Plus characterized results for 84.7% (50/59) of type1, with 100% (4/4), 82.8 (24/29) and 84.6% (22/26) for 1a, 1b and type6; 65.2% (15/23) of indeterminate with 100% (3/3) and 60% (12/20) for 1b and type 6 samples, respectively. Conclusions The Abbott RealTime HCV GT Plus RUO assay provides additional performance in GT detection.


Public Library of Science (PLoS)



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