“It’s my life, not theirs!” Therapeutic itineraries and refugee reflections on referral health care in western Tanzania


Enumah Zachary ObinnaORCID


Globally, refugees number over 25 million. Yet, little attention has been paid to how refugees access referral health care in host countries. By referral, I mean the process by which a patient deemed too sick to be managed at a lower-level health facility is transferred to a higher-level facility with more resources to provide care. In this article, I provide reflections on referral health care from the perspective of refugees living in exile in Tanzania. Through qualitative methods of interviews, participant observation, and clinical record review, I trace how global refugee policy on referral health care manifests itself in the lives of refugees locally in a country like Tanzania that has strict policies and limitations on freedom of movement. In this space, refugees experience complex medical problems, many of which began prior to or during their flight to Tanzania. Many refugees indeed are approved to be referred to a Tanzanian hospital for further treatment. Others are denied care or pursue other therapeutic itineraries outside the formal system. But, all are subject to policies of Tanzania that restrict freedom of movement and almost all experience delays on several levels (e.g., waiting for a referral, waiting at the referral hospital, waiting for follow-up appointments). In the end, refugees in this context emerge not simply as passive beings upon which biopower is enacted, but also as active agents, sometimes circumventing a system of power in their pursuit of their right to health, all in the context of strict policy that seeks to enforce state security over one’s right to health. In the process, refugee experiences with referral health care become a window into the larger politics of refugee hosting in Tanzania in the present day.


Association for Academic Surgery

American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene


Public Library of Science (PLoS)

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